Urinary incontinencedefinition:
Escape of urine against the patient’s will.
Urinary incontinencetypes:
1. Complete(true) incontinence:
Def.: continuous passage of urine day & night from the vagina without desire to micturate i.e. she can’t retain any urine in the bladder.
a. Vesico-vaginal fistula.
b. Uretro- vaginal fistula in certain conditions:
♦ Bilateral uretro-vaginal fistula.
♦ Unilateral uretro-vaginal fistula with non-functioning contralateral kidney.

2. Partial (paradoxical) incontinence:
Def.: continuous passage of urine from the vagina in the presence of desire to micturate
i.e. she can retain some urine in the bladder.
Causes: *unilateral uretro-vaginal fistula.
*Vesico-vaginal fistula in certain conditions: small, high or valvular.
3. Urodynamic stress incontinence:
Def.: loss of urine on physical effort e.g. coughing.
Causes: weakness of sphincteric control closing bladder.
4. Detrusor overactivity (Urgency):
Def.: patient loss control upon act of micturition when she feels the desire & large amounts of urine defeating woman before being ready to micturate.
Causes: factors causing bladder irritability e.g. cystitis.
5. False incontinence: (Ischuria paradoxica)
♦ Retention with overflow.
Def.: the urine escapes from the overdistended bladder in case of chronic retention of urine.
Causes: lesion affecting spinal cord functions as tabes dorsalis.
6. Nocturnal enuresis:
Def.: Involuntary escape of urine through the urethra during sleep.
Causes: mainly psychological disturbances.
Investigations of a case of urinary incontinence
A. History:
Present history:
1. Type of incontinence.
2. Ask about site and cause of fistula.
3. Associated injuries or complications.
Past history: previous operation for repair.
B. Examination:
General: anemia & uremia.
Abdominal: pyelonephritis & hydronrophosis.
1. Fistula: site, size & number.
2. Aetiology: as traumatic & inflammatory.
3. Complications: as vaginitis.
4. Other injuries as RVF.
C. Investigations:
To diagnose the cause:
1. Methylene blue test.
2. Cystoscopy.
3. IVP.
To prepare the patient for operation: as KFT, urine analysis & CBC.
Urinary incontinence videos:
Urinary Incontinence in Women, Animation video
Types of UI in Women: Stress incontinence, Urge incontinence and Overflow incontinence; Causes and Treatments. For patient education. All images/videos by Alila Medical Media are for information purposes ONLY and are NOT intended to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
Urinary incontinence causes, symptoms and treatment with Doctor Charles Feinstein video
This video features Doctor Charles Feinstein, a nationally renown urologist, that specializes in treatment of Urinary Incontinence in woman. In this video Doctor Feinstein talks about the causes, symptoms and treatment for Urinary Incontinence in woman. Urinary Incontinence affects millions of woman around the world, but there is a simple procedure that could cure Urinary Incontinence once and for all. Doctor Charles Feinstein is a national medical authority when it comes to Urinary Incontinence.
Urinary Incontinence video
Dr. Nikki Le, Duke Urology of Raleigh, discusses the different types of incontinence and their causes, non-surgical and surgical treatment options for stress incontinence of urine, and longstanding and new treatment options for overactive bladder and urge incontinence of urine.
Urge Urinary Incontinence – CRASH! Medical Review Series video
(Disclaimer: The medical information contained herein is intended for physician medical licensing exam review purposes only, and are not intended for diagnosis of any illness. If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition, you should consult your physician or seek immediate medical attention.)
Stress incontinence of urine – CRASH! Medical Review Series video
Incontinence of urine – causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology video
Advanced Treatments for Female incontinence of urine video
Incontinence of urine for USMLE video
Handwritten lecture on incontinence of urine for medical students studying for the USMLE. In particular stress incontinence, urge incontince, overflow incontinence and neuropathic incontinence. Reviewing Anatomy, Physiology, Pathophysiology, Causes, Symptoms, and Management.