10 % of cases of infertility.
Unexplained Infertility causes :
A. Most important causes are:
1. Occult infection by chlamydia or mycoplasma.
2. Minimal endometriosis.
B. Other causes are:
Immunological infertility: anti-sperm antibodies in cervical mucous ,maternal serum & seminal plasma.
Psychological disturbance.
Hyperprolactinemia (↑ sensitivity to prolactin) i.e. normal serum PRL.
Minor uterine anomalies e.g. minor intrauterine adhesions undetected on HSG.
Subclinical pregnancy losses e.g. due to genetic abnormalities.
Premature ovarian failure.
Unexplained Infertility diagnosis:
Unexplained infertility is diagnosed by exclusion i.e. after performing the standard investigations: (semen analysis, tubal patency tests & tests for ovulation).
Hysteroscopy must be done in all cases of unexplained infertility to detect minor uterine abnormalities.
Unexplained Infertility treatment :
1. Induction of ovulation & AIH.
2. If failed, assisted reproductive techniques.