Rhinostop Drops Composition :
Each 1 ml contains:
Pseudoephedrine hydrochloride 25mg
Carbinoxamine maleate 2mg
Rhinostop Drops Properties :
– Pseudoephedrlrie hydtochlorlde is an oral sympamoimetic which exerts a vasoconstrictor effect on the blood vessels of the nasal mucosa when they are dilated as a result of inflammation.
– Carbinoxamine maleate is an antihistaminic which reinforces the decongestant activity of pseudoephedrine, and blocks the pathogenic mechanism of allergic rhinitis.
– Rhinostop reduces swelling of membranes, relieves congestion, stops excessive secretion and consequently, decreases the risk of infection of the paranasal sinuses.
– Rhinostop Oral Drops is a systemic decongestant, which unlike nasal solutions or sprays, its effect is not confined to the nasal mucosa.
– Rhinostop acts on the upper respiratory tract and does not cause local irritation or rebound congestion.

Rhinostop Drops Indications :
Relief of nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing, itching of nose or throat, and itchy watery eyes due to common cold, hay fever, or other upper respiratory allergies .
Rhinostop Drops Contraindications :
Hypersensitivity to any component of the preparation gastrointestinal or genitourinary obstruction, narrow angle glaucoma and severe hypertension.
Rhinostop Drops Adverse reactions :
As other sympathomimetics and antihistaminics, this medication might causes mild undesirable symptoms such as skin rashes, drowsiness, drY mouth, blurred vision, tachycardia.
Rhinostop Drops Precautions :
– Other medications containing sympathomimetic agents should not be taken simultaneously with Rhinostop.
– Caution should be taken with patients suffering from diabetes mellitus or hyperthyroidism.
– If symptoms do not improve within 7 days or are accompanied by fever, consult a doctor.
Rhinostop Drops Dosage :
* Do not use for children less than six years old.
Children: One full calibrated dropper every 4 – 6 hours ‘oy mouth.
* Can be added to juices.
Rhinostop Drops How supplied :
15 ml bottle with a calibrated dropper.
Rhinostop Drops Storage :
* Store at room temperature.
* Protect from light.
Rhinostop Drops Product of :
Medical Union Pharmaceuticals,
Abu-Sultan, Ismaillia, Egypt.
Antihistamines and nasal decongestants PPT power point presentation :
1. Antihistamines and NasalDecongestants
2. INTRODUCTION:• Antihistamines and nasal decongestants are drugs used to treat the common cold and allergic rhinitis, conditions that collectively cause more discomfort and lost work time than all other known illnesses combined.
3. • Nasal decongestants may be used in treating nasal congestion associated with sinusitis, middle ear infections, and upper respiratory infections.
4. • Allergic rhinitis is a condition caused by an immunological response resulting from the contact of one or more environmental allergens with the nasal mucosal tissue of an allergy-prone individual.
5. ANTIHISTAMINES• Histamine is a naturally occurring substance in the body released in response to tissue damage and the presence of microorganisms and allergens invading body tissue. Histamine dilates arterioles to allow increasing blood supply to capillaries and the tissues supplied by capillaries.
6. • Another manifestation of histamine is itching common at the site of insect bites or other sources of contact inflammation.• Antihistamines do not affect the release of histamine, but act primarily to block the action of histamine at the H1 histamine receptor sites.
7. • Antihistamines are capable of causing a wide variety of adverse effects. Many of these agents will produce varying degrees of sedation, particularly when used in combination with other depressant drugs or alcoholic beverages.
8. • Because of their chemical similarity to anticholinergic drugs, many antihistamines will cause dry mouth, constipation, blurred vision, and urinary retention. The effects are most prominent and troublesome in elderly, particularly those with glaucoma or prostatic hyperthropy.
9. • The most commonly used antihistamines for symptoms of allergies, desloratadine (Clarinex), loratadine (claritin, Alavert), fexofenadine (Allegra), and cetirizine HCl (Zyrtec),have been shown to be more specific in blocking peripheral H1 histamine receptors than those located in the CNS.
10. • Although most antihistamines are administered orally or by injection, several are available for rectal or topical administration.
11. DECONGESTANTS• Nasal decongestants are agents that constrict dilated blood vessels in the nasal mucosa by stimulating alpha !-adrenergic nerve receptors in vascular smooth muscle.
12. • Nasal decongestants are administered either topically, by inhalation, or orally. Topically used decongestants are effective rapidly.• A common problem in the use of these agents is rebound nasal congestion.