MEBO Ointment Introduction :
Moist Exposed Burn Therapy (MEBT) was Introduced Into meorcal practice since two decades In China. The concept of this fherapy IS to expose the wound to a physiological moist envuonment to enhance natural healing processes. whereby kerannocytes migration, angiogenesis, and interaction with growth factors are Iacnitated MEBO iMoist Exposed Burn Ointment) IS the ointment. which has been developed to fulfill the above criteria.

MEBO Ointment Composition :
MEBO is of natural and herbal edible O(lgln, It IS composed of B·sitosterol 0.25% as the main active ingredient. The base of the Ointment IS composed of sesame oil and beeswax. tn addition to that, MEBO includes In Its formula 18 amino acids. 4 major fatty acids, vitamins. and polysaccharides.
MEBO Ointment Mode of Action :
MEBO acts by:
1- Providing an optimum phYSiologICal moistore necessary for regeneration and repair.
2- Inducing an anti·inflammatory effect reducing thereby edema and erythema.
3- Creating an atmosphere unfavorabie for bacterial and fungal colonization.
4- Isolating and protecting exposed and Injured nerve endings producing thereby an analgesic effect.
5- Providing local nutrition for wound bed cells.
6- Liquefying the necrotic tissue.
7- lsolafing and protecting the wound bed from environmental factors but at the same time maintaining drainage and gaseous exchange.
8- Reducing body fluids loss from damaged skin (burns).
9- Absorbing reSIdual heat in acute burn wounds.
10- Expediting epithelialization with exceptionally acceptable cosrnesrs.
MEBO Ointment Indications :
MEBO has been used successfully in the treatment of the follOWing wounds:
1- First-degree burns, where the pain relief and the fast heahng are remarkable, e.g sunburn.
2- Second degree bums. superficial and deep. If properly applied. no skin grafting IS needed and Regeneration takes place from hair follicles and glands in the dermis and sutx:utaneous tissus.
3- Third degree bums, to isolate the wound, reduce pain, and expedite nonsurgicaf debridement of the necrotic tissue to prepare the wound for grafting.
4- Donor site. to decrease pain, control Infection, and expedite healing (average of 7 days has been reported),
5- Chronic wounds including bed ulcers, diabetic foot. and leg ulcers.
6- Post laser resurfacing, chemical peeling, and dermabrasron.
7- Surgical wounds inctuding obstetrical wounds.
8- Wound of circumcision.
9- Mucous membrane wounds such as buccal ulcers.
10- Cracked heels and cracked nipples.
MEBO Ointment Method of Application :
1. Burns
a) First degree burns (Superncial burns)
MEBO should be applied as immediately as posstbte. A thin layer (about 1 mm thickness) should cover the burnt area. It is better 10 keep the wound exposed, but if there is a need, a light dressing can be used. Reapplication should be done 3 to 4 times daily If exposed or twice daily If closed.
b) Second degree bums
A thin layer of MEBO should cover the burnt area and renewed 3 10 4 limes daily. Before reapplication. the liquefied necrotic tissue and the residues of the old MEBO Should be wiped off gently. It is better to keep the wound exposed. but If there IS a need. a light dressing can be used and a relatively thicker layer (about 3mmthickness) should be applied and renewed twice daily.
Second Phase . repair period
MEBO should be applied as before. but less frequently (2 . 3 times daily).
c) Third Phase· rehabilitation period
MEBO should be applied as before, but only once daily. Third degree burns
MEBO should be applied as mentioned before 10 liquefy the necrotic tissue. A thin layer should cover the burnt site and renewed 3 to 4 times daily.
2- Donor Site
A thin layer of MEBO should cover the donor site and renewed 3 to 4 times daily if exposed or twice daily if closed.
3- Leg Ulcers
A sterile gauze should be impregnated with MEBO and should fill the cavity of the ulcer. and renewed twice daily.
4- Surgical and Obstetricat Wounds
MEBO should cover the wound in a relatively thick layer (about 3mm) under a sterile
dressing and renewed Iw1ce daily.
5- Cracked Nipples
A thin tayer of MEBO should be applied to the nipple under a light pad. and renewed 3 . 4 times daily. MEBO is safe for the infant that nursing can proceed Without any hazards.
MEBO Ointment Toxicity and Side Effects :
MEBO is of pure herbal edible origin. No side effects to the product have been reported so far. except for rare allergic reactions to sesame oil.
MEBO Ointment Precautions for the Drug :
MEBO ointment may change its physical appearance during storage. especially during hot seasons. but it does not loose its efficacy.
MEBO Ointment Presentation :
MEBO ointment is available in collapsible tubes of 15. 30. or 75 grams.
• Store below 25 C.
MEBO Ointment Produced by:
Gulf Pharmaceutical Industries.
Ras AI Khaimah. U. A. E.
MEBO Ointment