A. Somatic genital tract nerve supply:
1. Pudendal nerve.
2. Ilio-inguinal nerve (L1): supplies the skin of mons pubis.
3. Genital branch of genitor-femoral nerve (L1, L2): supplies anterior parts of labia.
4. Perineal branch of posterior cutanous nerve of the thigh: anterior part of labia & perineum.
1) Pudendal nerve
Origin: S2, 3, 4 segments.
Course: as internal pudendal artery.
Branches: *at its beginning: inferior hemorriodal nerve.
*at its ending : 2 terminal branches: * perineal nerve.
*Dorsal nerve of the clitoris.
A. Sensory to:
1) Skin of vulva & clitoris.
2) External urethral meatus.
3) Lower vagina.
4) Perineum.
B. Motor to:
1) Levator ani muscle.
2) Compressor urethra.
3) Vaginal sphincter.
4) External anal sphincter.
Applied anatomy:
♦ Pudendal nerve block: injection of local anesthesia transvaginally around the
nerve at the level of ischial spine, used to anaesthetize perineum.
B. Autonomic genital tract nerve supply:
1. Sympathetic: superior hypogastric plexus inferior hypogastric plexus.
2. Parasympathetic plexus: S (2,3,4) .
3. Ovarian plexus: T (10,11,12).

1) Sympathetic
Origin: *motor : T5,6
*sensory: T10,11,12 & L1
1) Presacral nerve (superior hypogastric plexus):
• Formed from fibers from celiac plexus & lateral sympathetic chain.
• Found in front of sacral promontory.
• Gives 2 hypogastric nerves & join inferior hypogastric plexus.
2) Lee-frankenhauser plexus: supplies all pelvic organs, but not supply endometrium.
2) Parasympathetic
Origin: S2, 3, 4
Course: *it joins inferior hypogastric plexus.
*it supplies uterus, vagina & UB.
Action: *stimulates contraction & retraction of the body of the uterus.
*stimulates relaxation of cervix.
*stimulates evacuation of UB.
4) Ovarian plexus
Origin: *it arises from pre-aortic plexus.
*T10, 11, 12 segments.
Course: contains sympathetic & parasympathetic fibers.
Action: * sensory.
* Motor to ovaries, tubes & fundus of the uterus.
Genital tract nerve supply power point presentations:
Genital tract nerve supply videos:
Female Genital tract blood supply,nerve supply and muscles
Anatomy of female genital tract – plastic models
This educational video is intended to demonstrate and identify female genital tract organs in conventional plastic models that are frequently used for teaching medical students during anatomy practical sessions. It is not intended to provide a full description of the anatomy of female genital tract organs, but will only tackle the structures that are seen in the models.
After completion of this video session it is expected that students will be able to demonstrate female internal and external genital organs:
•Ovaries (position, attachments, ligament of the ovary, suspensory ligament, ovarian artery and vein)
•Uterine tubes (position, parts: infundibulum, ampulla, isthmus, intramural part, fimbria, attachments)
•Uterus (body, cervix, shape, peritoneal reflections, broad ligament, round ligament of the uterus)
•Vagina (walls, fornices, vestibule, relations, peritoneal reflections)
•Clinical significance of the recto-uterine pouch (of Douglas)
•Central perineal tendon (perineal body): location, muscles attached to it, functional significance.
•Formation of the urogenital diaphragm: Superficial and deep perineal pouches and their contents: ischiocavernosus, bulbosponsgiosus, superficial and deep transverse perineal muscles, sphincter urethrae, superior fascia of urogenital diaphragm, inferior fascia of urogenital diagphragm, crus, bulb of vestibule, corpus cavernosum.
•Components of the female external genital organs: labium majus, labium minus, vestibule, clitoris, prepuce, external urethral orifice, fourchette.
The following (12) short essay questions will appear during the video session timed according to their relation to the demonstrated structures:
1.List the boundaries of the superior pelvic aperture.
2.Enumerate the parts of levator ani muscle.
3.Describe the relation of the ureter to the uterine artery.
4.Define anteversion and anteflexion of the uterus.
5.Where does the ovarian vein drain into?
6.What is the clinical significance of the extent of the round ligament of the uterus in relation to lymphatic drainage?
7.Which fistulas in the anterior vaginal wall may result from obstetrical trauma during long and difficult labor?
8.What is the lining epithelium of the cervix at the internal and at the internal os?
9.Which nerve provides the motor innervation of the muscles attached to the perineal body?
10.What is the male homologue of the labium majus?
11.Enumerate the nerves that provide sensory innervation to the vulva.
12.What is the male homologue of the greater vestibular gland?
Presented and edited by Dr.Akram Jaffar (PhD). Filmed by Ahmed Thaer Zahidi (Medical student). Filmed at College of Medicine/ University of Sharjah, 2012.