Eyelid problems are usually swellings that range from passive edema to inflammatory edema.
Lets first mention common problems:
1)a child wakes up with both lids swollen.
2)an elderly wakes up with both lids swollen.
3)unilateral painful lid swelling.
4)swelling of lower eyelids in middle aged ladies.
5)abnormal lid masses.

A child who wakes with both eye lids swollen, think allergy, sun exposure, gravitational from scalp inflammations and then renal trouble if history suggests.
In the elderly think systemic disease especially renal/hypertension.
Unilateral painful lid think acute chalazion try to find a tender POINT in the lid and start treatment. If the WHOLE lid is tender and the condition looks more than a chalazion in a child, REMEMBER preseptal cellulitis and start systemic antibiotic without delay.
Lid masses; nevus, hair follicle adenomas, clear sweat cysts and papillomas are the most common. Always keep basal cell carcinoma in your mind—look at the slit lamp for fine dilated skin vessels going to the nodule (telangiectasia).
The most common cause of red lids is gravitational from bumping the head into something.
Ptosis will be in a separate post
Ectropion and entropion are surgical problems,
Always look at the POSITION of the punctum is should NOT be visible without slight traction