– Male condom, female condom, diaphragm, & spermicidal are barrier methods.
– Used with every act of sexual intercourse.
– Need skills and communication between partners.
Mechanism of action:
– Block the passage of sperm physically or chemically.
– Prevent transmission of STDs between partners, benefits.
Advantages of barrier methods:
– Prevention of STDs, including HIV, if condom used correctly.
– Effective as a contraceptive method if used in a correct manner.
– Immediate Return to fertility after stopping method, fertility not delayed.
– Safe, as it has no hormonal or any systemic effect.
– Easy application to start and discontinue.
Disadvantages of Barrier methods of contraception :
– Less effective than other modern methods in markets.
– Difficult use according to some people.
– Some methods require partner’s participation.
– Related to the act of coitus itself.
– Proper storage is required to keep the product with good efficacy.
– Need re-supply.
Male condom
Male condom Nature:
– A thin rubber covering that fits over the erect penis.
– Is a barrier that keeps sperm out of the vagina.
Male condom Use:
– It is lubricated by spermicidal oil.
– Put a new condom onto erect penis before each sex act.
– Dispose of properly, while penis is still erected.
Male condom Advantages:
1. It is cheap, available and effective if properly used. (failure rate is 5-10/HWY).
2. No systemic effect on lactation or fertility.
3. Non-contraceptive uses of condom:
♦ Prevention of sexually transmitted diseases.
♦ Treatment of immunological infertility.
♦ Treatment of premature ejaculation.
Male condom Disadvantages:
1. Decrease sense of pleasure during sex.
2. Weak material and so may tear. (spermicidal applied immediately).
3. Need special storage (avoid heat, humidity and light).
Female condom
– Plastic covering inserted into the vagina before sex.
– Is a barrier that keeps sperm out of the vagina.
– Can prevent STDs including HIV.
– Important to use correctly every time you have sex.
– Make sure penis enters inside the condom ring and stays in during sex.
– Emergency contraceptive pills can be used if condom slips or is not used correctly.
Diaphragm Nature:
– It is latex cap-shaped, with a metal spring at base “Dutch cap”.
– Metal ring varies in sizes (50-100 mm diameter).
Diaphragm Use:
♦ Should put in a special manner as higher posteriorly than anteriorly with concavity upwards.
♦ woman insert it in standing with one foot on chair.
♦ Left 8 hours after intercourse, to destroy all sperms by vaginal acidity.
Diaphragm Advantages:
♦ It is effective if properly used.
♦ The failure rate is 10/HWY
Diaphragm Disadvantages:
1. Difficult to apply, need special manner.
2. Unsuitable in cases of displacement e.g. prolapse, marked RVF .
3. Some women may have allergy to spermicidals.

Cervical caps
– Small cup-shaped rubber cap, applied and fixed over cervix by suction.
– Also called French cap.
– Suitable for women with prolapse. – Should be used enriched with spermicidal material.
Chemical methods “spermicidals”
Spermicidals Nature:
– Contraceptive substance that eradicates sperm, – Available as vaginal creams, tablets, foams or sponge.
Spermicidals Use:
– Should administered vaginally prior to act of intercourse (15-30 minutes are sufficient) to allow adequate distribution and proper efficacy.
– Administration is restricted to the following:
1. In combination with other methods e.g. condom or diaphragm.
2. For emergency use in ruptured condom.
Spermicidals Mode of action:
– Eradicate sperms e.g. Nonoxynol-9
Spermicidals Disadvantages and evaluation:
– High failure rate is 30/HWY, not used alone.
– Irritate vagina causing allergic vaginitis.