Genital TB ( Tuberculosis ) aetiology: A. Causative organism: mycobacterium tuberculosis (usually human type). B. Mode of infection: 1) Blood born is the commonest. 2)Along lymphatics. 3)Direct extension from the...
Read moreGenital TB ( Tuberculosis ) aetiology: A. Causative organism: mycobacterium tuberculosis (usually human type). B. Mode of infection: 1) Blood born is the commonest. 2)Along lymphatics. 3)Direct extension from the...
Read morePelvic inflammatory disease definition: Upper genital tract inflammation characterized by salpingitis with any of the following may be accompanied: endometritis, oophoritis and/or peritonitis. Pelvic inflammatory disease risk factors: 1. Sexual...
Read moreSalpingitis and Salpingo-oophoritis - Bilateral affection of tubes is more common and usually associated with involvement of ovaries. - Infection may be acute or chronic. Salpingitis and salpingo-oophoritis causative organisms:...
Read moreENDOMETRITIS A. Acute endometritis e.g. post-abortive & post-operative. B. Chronic endometritis: 1. During childbearing period: uncommon - Protective mechanisms in this age e.g. monthly shedding of endometrium. - Some organisms...
Read moreVaginal discharge (Leucorrhea) definition Excessive normal discharge * Frequently means all genital discharge except bleeding. * Normal vaginal discharge: 1) Vulva: Glandular secretions e.g. Bartholin, apocrine, and sweat glands. 2)...
Read moreCervicitis 1. Acute cervicitis. 2. Chronic cervicitis. 3. Cervical ectopy. Acute cervicitis Definition: acute inflammation of endocervical glands. Aetiology: * Gonococci & chlamydia. * Puerperal sepsis: infection of cervical laceration....
Read moreVaginitis definition: Inflammatory reaction affecting vaginal mucosa. Vaginitis aetiology: Primary vaginitis ♦♦♦ During childhood: vulvovaginitis of children. ♦♦♦ During childbearing period: Common causes: a) Bacterial vaginosis (40 – 50...
Read moreTrichomonas vaginalis incidence: * Responsible for 20% of vaginitis (the 3rd most common). Trichomonas vaginalis aetiology: ♦♦♦ Causative organism: trichomonas vaginalis * Flagellated protozoon characterized by: - Shape: pear-shaped. -...
Read moreMonilial vaginitis (Vaginal candidiasis) incidence: * Represent 30% of causes of vaginitis (The 2nd most common). * Present in 20% of pregnant women. Monilial vaginitis (Vaginal candidiasis) aetiology: ♦♦♦ Causative...
Read moreBacterial vaginosis incidence: 50% of causes of abnormal vaginal discharge in childbearing period (most common). Bacterial vaginosis Aetiology: ♦♦♦ Causative organism: * Gardnerella vaginalis incriminated in 70- 90% of cases....
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